​Neptune conjunct south node from now until end of 2016 – What’s your vice of choice? 

The lunar’s south node of anyone’s chart 📈 refers to what is already embodied in past lives. In karmic astrology, it represents what we have to let go off and “let God and let be”. If a person is left to his or her own device, the tendency would be to retreat to south node’s energies be because it feels oh so familiar, stemming from experiences from past lifetimes. South node is not a planet so to speak, but defined as a mathematical point in a chart 📈. 

Neptune is a watery blue planet that is very elusive and serene when seen from far. When you zoom in closer, one can observe the chaos and turbulence this generational planet actually is. Hence, Neptune is usually used to describe deception, chaos,  escapism, addictions glamourizing things through our lenses, dissolution of boundaries and rules, and our ideals.

Right now up to end of the year, the two are in a tight conjunction to each other until the end of 2016. 
I am sure all of us are feeling the wheel of fortune spinning from the grand cross in late May to end June. But wait, there are actually 3 more eclipses coming from mid August to September. With this huge flux of completion energy (2+0+1+6 is year 9 = universal completion year) coming in, it can surely destabilize the structures or thought patterns that we have built for ourselves for the past 8 years. Wrapping up or letting go can be extremely difficult. 

The tendency to escape (Neptune) through familiar (South node) vices (Neptune) in the coming months is even more evident as we brace ourselves for the inner and outer challenges to wrap up or kiss goodbye to whatever that we have already outgrown. We all know we have to evolve, it’s the process of making those necessary changes in order to evolve that creates blockages and fear that impedes us from growing. 

It is time to face our darker sides in order to have sobriety during this period. Your vice of choice can be drugs, porn, video games, food or even through projections in your personal and intimate relationships. If you are noticing that you are veering off and just escaping from what is, stop and take a look at yourself. The universe has set up this configuration in the sky for a reason. 

No growth is complete without examining and be honest with ourselves that we have a darker side to ourselves. Instead of indulging and escaping, why not shine a light on it and confront it one step at a time. When you decide to do the necessary work before this universal completion year concludes, you will be so glad that you’ve done the work in order to start a brand new cycle of beginnings. 

So go on, and shed that old skin.

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